Plastik sharbatli shisha qopqoqlarni ko'taruvchi oziqlantiruvchi qopqoq uskunasi

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plastik sharbatli shisha qopqoqlarni ko'tarish uchun oziqlantiruvchi qopqoq uskunasi


Notification prior to starting the bottles capping machine model NPACK-AC50 Automatic bottles capping machine with caps bulk elevator feeding system rotary type

1:Before the machine is plugged in, make sure the power switch is in the closed state, and then follow the instruction.

2:If the machine does not run in a long time, it should be wiped with a piece of dry cloth and must not be cleaned with any corrosive cleaning agent.

3:It is strictly prohibited to spurt any liquid into the electric box of the machine, so as to avoid corrosion to the internal electrical components and cause short circuit.

4:Check according to the equipment packing list models, specifications and quantity of the equipment and materials to make sure that they meet the requirements of design and product standards and accompanied by certificates of conformity.

5: Check the appearance of the equipment to make sure that it is free from any deformation, damage and corrosion, and all spindles that they should be flexibly rotating without any blockage.

6: This machine is working under single phase AC 110V, and the flat 3-legged power plug should be plugged into the power socket with a ground wire.

Technical Parameters of model NPACK-AC50 Automatic bottles capping machine with caps bulk elevator feeding system rotary plastic juice bottle caps lifting feeder capper equipment:

plastic juice bottle caps lifting feeder capper equipment1

Model NPACK-AC50
Capping speed:15-30 pieces/min
Rated voltage:110V/60Hz(US Standard)
Machine Power:0.8KW
Exterior dimension:2230*1460*1600 MM(L*W*H)
Air Pressure: 0.7 MPa
Weight: About 300 KG

Capping machine in details:

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plastic juice bottle caps lifting feeder capper equipment2

plastic juice bottle caps lifting feeder capper equipment2

I.Structures of the machine:

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Ⅱ. Optical fiber electric eye description

1.electric Eye to detect bottles:

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►When it is operated in automatic mode, the purpose of this electric eye is to detect incoming
When the incoming bottle is detected, the "turntable" rotates.

2. Lid-delivery electric eye

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►When it is operated in automatic mode, the purpose of this electric eye is to detect incoming covers.

When the incoming lid is detected, the "taking-out mechanism" rises for taking material.

3. Lid-delivery electric eye

►When it is operated in automatic mode: The purpose of this electric eye is to detect incoming bottles.

When the incoming bottle is detected, the "lock cap mechanism" rotates the lock cap downwards.

Ⅲ.Switch button and wiring port.

1.Touch screen and emergency stop

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2.Feed motor and lid vibration plate controller

Vibration plate controller

Vibration plate controller: By adjusting the voltage, adjust the discharging speed.

3.Power switch and sockets

4.Motor controller

Frequency transformer: By adjusting the frequency transformer button, adjust the motor speed.

Ⅵ.Maintenance on model NPACK-AC50 Bottles capping machine

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1 machine Mashinani cho'zish va mashinaning funktsiyasini optimallashtirish uchun mashinani tekshirish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish kerak;

The working machine should be maintained every three month; The bearing and gear transmission part must be lubricated with the grease; The lubrication must be done periodically; The slide way oil (N68) should be added into the part like reciprocating mechanism motion or lifting two times every day; The automobile oil(N68) should be added into the rotary or swinging parts; Every half month add the grease into the cam slot; Every month one time for oil nozzle by adding the grease;

2 Hech qachon metall buyumlardan tarkibiy qismlar yoki qoliplar kabi qismlarga birikish yuzasini urish yoki qoqish uchun foydalanmang.

3. Agar mashina uzoq vaqt ishlamay qolsa, uzatish yoki ko'taruvchi qism kabi qismlarga moylash uchun moy qo'shing; Shuningdek, mashinani suv o'tkazmaydigan himoya bilan ishlating.

4 Never put any objects on the machine lest it damage the machine.

5. Vaqti-vaqti bilan tarkibiy qismlar ichidagi changni tozalang, shuningdek barcha vintlarni tekshiring va bo'shatilgan vintlarni mahkamlang.

6. Terminallardagi vintlarni ma'lum vaqt ichida simlarni ulash uchun tekshiring va vintning mahkamlanganligiga ishonch hosil qiling;

7. Elektr qutilaridan uzatilgan sim yo'lida bo'shashmasdan stantsiya mavjudligini tekshiring; Agar qism bo'shashib qolsa, elektr sızıntısına olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan izolyatsiya qatlamida aşınma yoki shikastlanishning oldini olish uchun vintni mahkamlang;

8. Osonlik bilan kiyiladigan mushuklarni tekshiring va buzilganlarni o'z vaqtida o'zgartiring;