Perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines rotary filler plugger press equipment three-in-one monoblock

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Perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines rotary filler plugger press equipment three-in-one monoblock


Ⅰ: Notice before starting the machine.

1. The machine is powered by single phase/220V alternative current; Confirm the right connection before turning on the machine.

2. Check if the air pressure be connected in a proper way.

3. If there are any foreign objects on the machine and in the mould,Remove the foreign objects;

4. Confirm the hoses connected with peristaltic pumps be placed into the materials tank;

5. Check if the filling nozzles be aligned with the bottles mouth,capping heads with the bottles

Ⅱ:Basic Data of perfume filling pressing machine

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines1

Power:   ~220V Current:   7A
 Frequency:    50HZ Air pressure:   0.7MPa
 Power:    1100W Size:1900*1550*1850mm
Weight: 485 kg Filling volume: 1ml to 150ml

Ⅳ.Machine close pictures& drawing of filling pressing line:

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines2

Station explanation:

(1). Bottles feeding:Vibrate bowl feeding the bottles,pneumatic elements guiding the bottles into turnplate,then the pneumatic elements retreat;

(2). Bottles pressing: Due to the free fall from the bottles fed by the pneumatic elements,the sation makes the bottle reach the bottom of holder;

(3). Filling station: Fill the liquid into the bottles; the station works together with the peristaltic pumps;

(4). Robot feeding: the robot feeds the pump into the bottles.

(5). Pressing Station: Tighten the bottles with the pump;

(6). Output: moving the final products out of the turnplate

2.Detector Switch

(1). Vials feeding station

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines3

[1]. Bottles-in cylinder: Guide the bottles in chute into the turnplate

[2]. Original point:: Bottles-in cylinder original place

[3]. Bottles-in Position: the sign of bottles in proper position

[4]. Feed-in sensor: The 2pcs of fibers detect the position in the chute; Either of the fiber cannot detect the bottles then the bottles-in cylinder will not work;.


Vibrator feeding bottles

Bottles sensor fiber → bottles-in sensing time

+ +

Original point clinder Turnplate original point

Bottles-in cylinder(forwarding) → Position switch

Bottles-in cylinder(retreating)

Notice: The machine is operated under fully automatic mode; take notice of the detecting switches

3). Pump pressing station

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines4

[1]. Bottles station detecting switch: Detect the materials under the station and activation of station;

[2]. Positioning cylinder: The detecting switch detects there is the material below the station the cylinder will position the material;

[3]. Bottles position origin: The switch is the mark for action-complete of stations and turnplate action;

[4]. Clamping cylinder: Clamping the pump;

[5]. Clamping origin: Clamping in a loose situation;

[6]. Clamping reaching: The bottles reaching into the station

[7]. Pump reaching detector: Vibrator bowl guide the inner plug into the chute then detect if the inner plug be placed rightly in order to activate the next action;

[8]. Pump cylinder: take and place the pump

[9]. Pump horizontal moving cylinder: place the clamped pump on the top of bottle in the turnplate;

Process: Turnplate acts → Bottles detecting switch→ Stand-by

↓ ↓(material there) (No material there)

Pump reaching detecting

Pump reaching + pump cylinder moves up-down(Pressing)

Pressing reaching detecting switch

Pump-clamping detecting switch

Complete pump-clamping

Pump cylinder up-down(Upward)

Pump cylinder reaching origin point

Pump horizontal moving cylinder

Horizontal moving reaching

Pump cylinder up-down(downward)

Pump up-down moving reaching

Pump staying time

Pump clamping cylinder loose

Pump cylinder up-down(Upward)

Pump horizontal cylinder (retreat)

(4). Output station

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines5


perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines6

1 machine Mashinani cho'zish va mashinaning funktsiyasini optimallashtirish uchun mashinani tekshirish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish kerak;

The working machine should be maintained every three month; The bearing and gear transmission part must be lubricated with the grease; The lubrication must be done periodically; The slide way oil (N68) should be added into the part like reciprocating mechanism motion or lifting two times every day; The automobile oil(N68) should be added into the rotary or swinging parts; Every half month add the grease into the cam slot; Every month one time for oil nozzle by adding the grease;

2 Hech qachon metall buyumlardan tarkibiy qismlar yoki qoliplar kabi qismlarga birikish yuzasini urish yoki qoqish uchun foydalanmang.

3. Agar mashina uzoq vaqt ishlamay qolsa, uzatish yoki ko'taruvchi qism kabi qismlarga moylash uchun moy qo'shing; Shuningdek, mashinani suv o'tkazmaydigan himoya bilan ishlating.

4 Never put any objects on the machine lest it damage the machine.

5. Vaqti-vaqti bilan tarkibiy qismlar ichidagi changni tozalang, shuningdek barcha vintlarni tekshiring va bo'shatilgan vintlarni mahkamlang.

6. Terminallardagi vintlarni ma'lum vaqt ichida simlarni ulash uchun tekshiring va vintning mahkamlanganligiga ishonch hosil qiling;

7. Elektr qutilaridan uzatilgan sim yo'lida bo'shashmasdan stantsiya mavjudligini tekshiring; Agar qism bo'shashib qolsa, elektr sızıntısına olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan izolyatsiya qatlamida aşınma yoki shikastlanishning oldini olish uchun vintni mahkamlang;

8. Osonlik bilan kiyiladigan mushuklarni tekshiring va buzilganlarni o'z vaqtida o'zgartiring;

Ⅵ.Packaging & Transportation

Hech qachon mashinani gorizontal yoki pastga qo'ymang; Mashinaning oyoqlarini ajratib oling va butun mashinani sandiqning pastki qismi bilan mahkamlang .Moshina yuk tashish paytida sandiq yoki silkitish stantsiyasidan bo'sh bo'lmasdan sandiqda turishi kerak;

Mashinaning qadoqlanishi neytral bo'lishi kerak; Mashinani siljitish paytida iltimos yuk mashinasi yoki kranni ishlating va mashinani pastdan barqaror harakatlaning; Quyidagi rasmdagi rasmga e'tibor bering; mashinani ko'tarish va silkitishda kranni mashinaga tegmaslik kerak. Mashinani 4 dona M16X200 murvat bilan mahkamlang, so'ngra kranlarni va murvatlarni mashinalarni ko'tarish va almashtirish uchun bog'lang. Shu bilan birga, mashina ostidagi himoya vositalarini yostiqlash uchun. Agar kerak bo'lsa, qo'zg'alishni barqaror ko'tarish uchun foydalaning (quyida anjir shaklida ko'rsatilgan)

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines7

perfume bottles tubes small containers filling plugging pressing machines8

Sandiqni ochmasdan oldin sandiqda biron bir shikast yoki yo'qligini tekshirib ko'ring; Sandiqda biron bir ziyon bo'lsa, sandiqni ochmang va darhol transport kompaniyasiga murojaat qiling; Yuk tashuvchi xodimlarning nazorati ostida sandiqni oching va jarayonni yozib oling;

Xavfsizlik masalasiga kelsak, forklift uchun yerdan masofa 1 m dan kam bo'lmasligi kerak; Mashinani harakatlantiruvchi kranni ishlatishda masofani 2 metrdan 2,5 metrgacha ushlab turish kerak

Ⅶ. Common Faults & Trouble-shooting

Fault Muammolarni bartaraf qilish; nosozliklarni TUZATISH
No working when starting the machineCheck the supply power
Bottles delivered along the conveyor at the unstable condition like falling ,shaking;


Adjust the bottles clamping part


Filling head deviated from the bottlesAdjust the filling head
Dripping of filling liquidAdjust the back suction speed and volume
No action from capping cylinder or peristaltic pumpAdjust the position sensor
Capping effect looseAdjust the capping structure